
Advising Program

The Advising Program is dedicated to the growth of the "whole girl" throughout her four years at Marymount. Our Advising, College Counseling, and Human Development programs give students the tools needed to thrive on an academic, psychological, emotional and interpersonal level, and these curricula and relationships evolve year-after-year to meet the particular individual needs of each student at that point in time.

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  • Academic Advising

    Our grade-level Academic Advising team provides each student with academic, social and emotional support throughout her four years at Marymount. By supporting students and their families beginning in the ninth grade with their transition into high school, the guidance continues each year as the team works with each student to identify and celebrate her unique interests and strengths while supporting her path for individual success. 

    Working collaboratively with faculty and administration to facilitate positive change throughout any academic or personal challenge, students are provided with the tools necessary to gain valuable life skills to ensure resiliency and growth.

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  • College Counseling

    Progressively evolving year-over-year, our College Counseling program helps to support students with skills and strategies that not only make a difference in college decisions, but are essential throughout one's life. 

    It all starts with helping students ask introspective questions like: 'Who am I? How do I best learn?' 'Which academic subjects excite me?' 'What community of learners do I want to surround myself with?' 'Which co-curricular activities are important to me?'

    To learn more about the evolution of the College Counseling Program throughout each grade level, CLICK HERE.

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  • Human Development

    Facilitated by our Academic Advisors and College Counselors, Marymount's Human Development program focuses on supporting our girls through the complex emotional, psychological and interpersonal aspects of adolescent life.

    The curriculum shifts throughout each grade and provides students with opportunities for open reflection and dialogue between classmates and advisors, while equipping them with essential tools for navigating academics and organization skills, emotional awareness, managing stress and anxiety, being an active and generous community member, and practicing self-compassion all while facilitating bonding and everlasting friendships within the class.

Meet our Academic Advising Team

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