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Marymount Dads Show Off Their Grill Skills at Our Annual Fathers Club BBQ

On Monday, April 30, Marymount High School’s Fathers Club hosted its annual all-school BBQ on Senior Lawn. 
Led by Fathers Club President Doug Cooper (father of Mary C. ’20 and alumna Caroline C. ’17), Marymount dads, family members and friends showed off their grill skills and cooked up a feast for the entire Marymount community.

A campus favorite, this annual event marries fun, laughter, spirit and the lasting bond between fathers and daughters as the school year winds down. At the end of the lunch, Seniors gathered on the steps of Cantwell and revealed their chosen colleges and universities by sporting their school’s emblems. They posed with their dads, who reflected their daughter’s school spirit with their own matching gear.
With the school-year’s end just weeks away, the Fathers Club BBQ begins our bittersweet countdown to graduation. For the dads of graduating Seniors, it was a proud moment to celebrate their daughters’ next step in their journey. Meanwhile, it was a sweet moment for dads of Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors to reflect in the moment and look ahead to when their daughters will soon stand on Cantwell steps.
An emotional, joyful day, the Fathers Club BBQ reminded us of the love, support and guidance these dads and father figures give to our Sailors.
Thank you to all of our dads for sharing this day with us! And we would like to extend a special to the fathers who volunteered to man the grills! CLICK HERE to check out the photos from the day’s festivities on Marymount’s Facebook page.