News Detail

Patricia Connor, RSHM

Sister Pat has served in leadership of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM) as General Superior (1985-1995) and Provincial (2003-2009; 1976-1982). She has experience of the RSHM Mission worldwide and has collaborated with RSHM Sisters in educational institutions and other apostolic works in various countries. She has been involved in RSHM education at all levels, teaching in RSHM schools and serving on Boards of RSHM educational institutions and sponsored ministries. She has directed diverse educational and enrichment programs at A Place Called Home, a South Central Los Angeles center for at-risk youth.

Sister Pat was a member of both the international and national leadership conferences of women religious and served on the Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She serves on the Board of A Place Called Home and is an RSHM Institute Formation Commission member. Sister Pat has lived the journey of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary in re-appropriating the Institute’s charism across cultures and nationalities in responding to the needs of our time deeply.

  • 22nd year of service on the Board of Trustees
  • Committee on Trustees/Nominating
  • Mission & Heritage Committee 
  • Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee