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Marymount's Model United Nation Celebrates Distinguished Awards

Marymount's Model United Nations (MUN) recently earned 16 awards at Whitney Charter High School and 7 awards at Yale University's 48th Annual Model United Nations Conference.
On January 29, 2022, 10 MUN students performed exceptionally well at Yale University's nationally prestigious 48th annual Model United Nations conference. This was extraordinary as nearly 2,000 students from 240 different schools in 50 different countries competed. In addition to the individual awards listed below, Marymount also won an award for Outstanding Small Delegation.

The Marymount MUN awards were: Gaby A. '23, Honorable Delegate; Zoe A. '24, Honorable Delegate; Chloe H. '24, Outstanding Delegate; Ellie J. '24, Best Delegate Gavel; Jacklyn K. '24, Honorable Delegate; and Lucia S. '25, Outstanding Delegate.

Continuing their successful competition showing, on February 5, 2022,  23 MUN students performed exceptionally well at Whitney Charter High School, earning 16 awards. The most prestigious was the Best Delegate Gavel won together by dual-delegates, Lilah N. '22and Gaby A. '23 representing Russia in the Security Council committee. Our delegation was a relatively young team and we are very proud of their efforts and look forward to celebrating many more of their successes in the future.

The Marymount MUN awards were: Outstanding Delegate, Jacklyn K. '24; Advanced Commedation, Avamehr V. '23; Novice Best Delegate, Ellie J. '24; Novice Best Delegate, Lucia S. '25; Novice Outstanding, Rachel O. '24; Novice Outstanding, Sabine L. '24; Novice Commendation, Talia A. '25; Novice Commendation, Zoey G. '24, Novice Commendation, Jaime C. '24; Research Award, Gaby A. '23; Research Award, Lilah N. '23; Research Award, Juri K. '24; Research Award, Lucia S. '25; and Research Award, Colleen K. ’25.