News Detail

Kicking off February with a celebration of 'American Heart Month'

This year at Marymount, the start of second semester coincides with another kickoff… the beginning of American Heart Month!  As Marymount is committed to wellness on all fronts – emotional, physical and spiritual – our team partnered with Providence St. John’s Health Center to present their “Sidewalk CPR” training class, ensuring the all 388 Marymount Sailors are armed with knowledge and prepared to handle cardiac arrest situations.

On February 2nd, during a special community assembly, Marymount students gained insight into the importance of understanding the basic functions of the heart, the core methods behind compression-only CPR, and the value in applying these skills in high-pressure, time-sensitive situations. 
After an eye-opening presentation given by physicians, ER Directors and heart attack survivors, students were given an opportunity to get some critical hands-on practice of “Sidewalk CPR.” This combination ensured that they left the presentation more knowledgeable, confident and capable in their CPR abilities, and helped empower them to potentially save a life one day.  
In a month overwhelmingly focused on love and enabled by Hallmark, Head of School Jacqueline Landry noted, “There really is nothing more important or 'romantic' than being able to save a life.”