News Detail

APCH Food Drive Provides Thanksgiving Meals for 600 Families

Every year, Marymount joins our inspiring partner organization, A Place Called Home (APCH) in a food drive to provide hundreds of Thanksgiving meals to APCH families. This year, our food drive set Marymount records: we gave over 600 families the supplies needed to create an unforgettable Thanksgiving meal! With turkeys donated by another organization, Marymount’s contributions accounted for 80-90% of the other supplies given out to families. All members of the Marymount community were assigned specific food items and were tasked with reaching donation targets. This year, the Senior Class exceeded expectations and donated far more than the projected amount!
Dale Clarke, Theology Faculty and Service Coordinator, shared that, “the drive shows the great spirit of generosity in our community.” He continued by saying that each donation truly made a difference in the lives of APCH families throughout the greater Los Angeles community.
Sixteen Sailors Sisters generously gave up their Saturday this past weekend and helped sort and pack the food for the families. Gathering at APCH early Saturday morning, our girls brought their positive attitude, giving spirit and teamwork necessary to pack 600 meal baskets, all in a span of three hours! The APCH team was incredibly impressed by our girls, saying, “We are so appreciative of all of Marymount's help. The girls and the staff had such great helpful attitudes, and it was so much fun working with them."
Thank you to all of our students, faculty and staff who helped make this Thanksgiving an unforgettable one for hundreds of families.